Samba Configuration 

Samba Configuration:


These instruction are for configuring a “Unix, Linux” operating system with “Webmin” to allow “Windows95, 98, NT, 2000, XP” access to share folders on a “Unix, Linux” computers.



1.)                 Get a copy of “Webmin” and install it.


2.)                 Get a copy of Samba and install it.


3.)                 After you've installed “Samba”, install “Webmin”.


4.)                 After having installed “Webmin” type http://localhost:10000 into your browser's address field.


5.)                 You'll be prompted for a “user name” and “password”, use root as the user name and the corresponding password. If you don't have X windows installed on your Samba server, you can still run “Webmin” remotely by typing http://IPAddressOfSambaServer:10000 and logging in as you normally would.


6.)                 After logging into “Webmin”.


7.)                 Click on the Servers tab.


8.)                 Then the Samba Windows File Sharing Icon. On the top of the screen you should see two shares created by default. They're home and printers, and are fine for now. You can customize this later on if you'd like.

9.)                 Next click on the “Windows Networking”  Icon and change your Workgroup name to the same Workgroup name as your windows computer(s). This is a very important step! Give a server  description...something like samba server and give the server a name.


10.)             Change your security to share level then save the changes.


11.)             Next click on the Authentication Icon next to the Windows Networking Icon. Enable encrypted passwords then save the changes.


12.)             Click on the File Share Defaults icon and then on the Security and Access icon.


13.)             Enable hosts allow and put the IP addresses of your windows workstation(s).


14.)             Save the changes and return to File Share Defaults. 


15.)             Click Yes for both Available and Browseable and save the changes.


16.)             Click on the homes share on the top of the Samba Share Manager


17.)             screen and enable Available and Browseable by highlighting yes.


18.)             Save the changes then go back into the homes share and click on the Authentication icon.


19.)             Enable writeable and hosts allow only allow and enter the IP addresses of your windows workstation(s).


20.)             Save the changes and return to your Samba Share Manager screen.


21.)             Click on Restart Samba Server to activate all the changes you've made.


22.)             Open up a virtual terminal if you're running X windows or log into your Samba Server if you're running Webmin remotely. Type in: “smbpasswd” username where username is a valid user on your samba server. You'll be prompted for a password and to re-authenticate the password by retyping it. It's recommended that you use the same password that you would to log into the server to keep things easier to manage, but it isn't necessary. Running “smbpasswd” will create an authentication file for Samba to check when you log in to the server from a Windows computer.


23.)             Next make sure you have different users on your windows computers. If you don't have to log in when you turn on your Windows computer, you probably don't have any user accounts created. Go into Control Panel, create a user with a valid user name on the samba server and give the user a password. Once again, use the same one as you would use to log into Linux for simplicity's sake.



24.)             Reboot and log back in as a user.


25.)             Open up Windows Explorer and Browser your network. You should see your Samba Server icon waiting for you.


26.)             Double-click on it and, when prompted enter the password you gave yourself when you ran smbpasswd. You can choose to save the password on the Windows computer so you won't have to supply it all the time or you can type it in each time you log onto the Samba Server from a Windows workstation. I highly recommend Mapping the shares as drive letters and choosing to reconnect them each time at log on. This simplifies things and makes it quicker to access the shares. You should be done! Repeat the process of running smbpasswd on the samba server and creating a user account on the Windows workstations for each user.


James j. Murray

Appleton WI.